Weekend Workshop

Freeing Trauma, Anxiety and Depression

Returning the body/mind back to a state of balance.

14 – 15 May 2022

Stara Wies, Poland

295 AUD
(approx. 200 EUR)

This workshop is SOLD OUT.

If you want to be added to the waiting list, please write to us at: masteryangpolska@gmail.com


  • Date: 14 – 15 May 2022
  • Venue: Dojo Stara Wieś, Stara Wieś 1, Poland
  • Training: 2 days of in-person training with Master Yang
  • Price: 295 AUD (approx. 200 EUR) (does not include accomodation, food or travel costs – find the prices below)

Research is abundant on somatic experience – how the body/mind stores anxiety and trauma, creates imbalances and experiences that become excessive and all-consuming eventually leading onto dis-ease. Learn to move from a state of worry and fear about life and everyday situations by returning the body back to a state of balance.

Limited spaces available.
For registration and further enquiries please contact us at: masteryangpolska@gmail.com. Find more details below. 


  • Suitable for anyone who has or is experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression and stress 

  • Restores the body back to a natural state of balance through connecting breath, mind and movement

  • Calms the nervous system and settles the mind releasing excessive worry and  intrusive thoughts from your system

  • Improves blood circulation that has a flow on effect of improving organ function and returning the body back to a state of good health

  • Restores energy to back to the body by releasing the tension, pain and anger that makes you feel tired and fatigued

  • Reawakens your joy for life through connecting with your blood cells and retraining the mind to embrace peace, calm and happiness

Accomodation & Catering

Accommodation & catering available at European Budo Center Foundation:

2 days + 3 standard meals – 410 PLN
2 days + 3 vegetarian meals – 450 PLN

Pay for the accommodation & catering accordingly via bank transfer.

IMPORTANT: in order to receive an invoice please send all the payer’s data and the tax ID number to European Budo Center Foundation via e-mail: a.ladzinska@dojostarawiec.pl, immediately on the transfer order date. There will be no possibility to issue an invoice on a later date.

Bank account details for the accomodation & catering payment:
Fundacja Europejskie Centrum Budo
Stara Wieś 1, 97-570 Przedbórz, Poland
PL 76 8988 0001 0000 0016 9736 0013
Transfer titles: “stay in May 13-22, 2022” or “stay in May 14-15, 2022”


  • Send both transfer confirmations to: masteryangpolska@gmail.com (for the course and accommodation & catering).
  • If there is any request to share the room with a particular person let us know in the email sent together with your payment confirmations.
  • Wait for the email back with the confirmation of your reservation.

NOTE: The condition for participation in the course is payment for the course, accommodation & catering.