Meet Master Yang

“My job is to make
complicated things simple.”

Master Zhen Hua Yang

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Trained since two years old

Master Zhen Hua Yang is an energy expert. Backed by his family lineage of over 400 years, Master Yang’s knowledge is steeped in ancient internal systems and techniques, his teachers’ influence as well as personal experiences and realisations.

Master Yang’s healing journey started when he was just a boy, suffering from the debilitating effects of asthma. His first teachers other than his grandfather and father, who were also Masters, were the martial arts and energy Masters from the Shaolin and Wudang Temples: Hai Deng from Shaolin, famous for his one-finger stand, and a Daoist monk from Wudang who taught Master Yang about Yinyang balance, Qi/energy and human longevity.

From martial arts to compassion

Before Calligraphy Health, starting in the early 2000s, Master Yang was publicly teaching internal martial arts, sharing his family system, Yang Mian, in his dojo in Sydney. Yang Mian system consisted of: Fa Jin Explosive Internal Power, Steel Hand, Steel Body, Reflex Mind, and more. This was applied in the martial arts, as well as in sports by professional athletes, as speed, power transfer and Fa Jin. It could also be used internally, manifesting as health, healing, vitality and wellbeing. Yang Mian was one of the foundations upon which Calligraphy Health was established. 

Life’s purpose and passion

In 2008, a spiritual awakening called Master Yang to teach people health, compassion and wellbeing. Since then the transmission of these ancient teachings has become his main life purpose and passion.

Master Yang has been a practitioner for over 50 years, having trained hundreds of people worldwide including, Lama Ole Nydahl, Head of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism; Torah Bright, Australian snowboarder and Olympic gold medallist; Matt Jaukovic, world record holder and Olympic gold medallist swimmer; Frank Bartolillo, fencer and Commonwealth Games gold medallist and Estas Tonne, musician and troubadour, and many more. 

Master Yang is a true expert in energy, natural health and wellbeing. His lifetime of practice is brought to the modern world in an accessible and fun way. He empowers his students to heal themselves, regain a connection to their essence and live productive, happy lives. In a world of ‘one-minute experts’, quick fixes and wonder drugs, Master Yang offers a solid alternative to bring the body, mind and soul back into harmony in a natural, safe and effective way.

Leonie Beck, Australia

Calligraphy Health is unlike anything I have come across. I have come to understand a whole other layer of human movement & energy flow. The “old-school” method of learning that Master Yang uses has been invaluable to me.  Many thanks to Master Yang for spreading the knowledge & wellbeing benefits of Calligraphy Health. I feel blessed.

Chevanne McNeil Rodwell, NZ

Calligraphy Health tough to slow down, to connect with myself and to heal emotional trauma. The speed of my life changed and I have started to enjoy and find my passion for life. Thank you, Master Yang, for helping me to understand on a deep level respect, peace and harmony.

Martina Zatkova, Slovakia

Master Yang’s compassion to his students while teaching is unique. After years joining his teachings, I am feeling much better.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard M. Haemmerli

I broke my back when training with a young horse and met Master Yang a few days later, still in my back brace. I wouldn’t have been where I am today without him. Calligraphy Health sped up my healing and transformed my whole life.

Sarah Laborde, France

I feel deeply grateful for the Master’s guidance and his deep knowledge and wisdom and willingness to share. I feel these methods Master is lineage holder for are a huge present to the world and hope many more people will experience them and start practicing them. They are super easy yet rich and powerful.

Michael Schjerling, Denmark