Calligraphy Health

“The highest level of living is with no sickness,
no pain and passing away naturally.”

Master Zhen Hua Yang

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It’s All About Cells

Calligraphy Health is about reconnecting with oneself, a process done cell by cell. The human body is a collective of trillions of individual cells, each possessing qualities analogous to a person. It’s not the movement that heals the mind and the body. Movement, breath and attention serve as a bridge between the mind and the body cells. They are used to deliver positive information and energy to each and every cell, especially to those that are suffering, unhappy, traumatized, or sick. 

This is accomplished through blood circulation since blood cells act as the body’s delivery system, transporting oxygen, nutrients, and information to other cells in the body. When we learn to work with our blood cells, we can also use them to transfer positive information and energy. We send feelings of safety, care, self-love, and compassion to each and every cell in the body, along with oxygen and nutrients. By continuing this practice day by day, the internal environment of our body will start to change. Cell by cell, we will create a more positive and thriving environment where individual body cells and internal organs work with each other instead of against each other. This is how we heal the body and mind.

Whether it’s trauma or disease, it all comes down to some of the cells in our body being lost, fearful, negative, or sick. To heal, we need to be able to find and support them. We also need to support the cells around them so that the positive environment naturally aids in their recovery.

For these purposes, Calligraphy Health employs movement with breath, intention, vibration, and organ service.

“Healing is not about movement. It’s about what’s behind the movement.”
Master Zhen Hua Yang

The Internal Art
of Organ Service

Calligraphy Health is a Nei Gong type of practice focused on internal connection and organ service. Nei Gong as taught by Master Zhen Hua Yang is focussed upon reconnecting with the wisdom of the body through the regulation of three main circulations within the human body: blood circulation, nervous system and digestive system. These circulations are the pillars of longevity and good health.

Calligraphy Health through enhancing these three circulations increases the longevity of internal organs while making the body soft, supple and elastic. It produces a physical lightness, setting the environment for self-healing. It also brings deep calm and peace, grounding us and producing a happiness that is internal, void of external conditions. 

Calligraphy Health Process

1. BREATH: Ignite the Fire

The human body, in order to function and produce energy, needs oxygen. Calligraphy Health practice begins with breath and synchronizing it with movements.

2. MOVEMENT: Move Your Blood

Oxygen is distributed in the body by red blood cells, which also carry nutrients and information to all cells in our systems. We use movements that stimulate the meridians to support and enhance blood circulation in the body for overall vitality, balance, and well-being.

3. ATTENTION: Reconnect With Yourself

During the movements, we turn our attention inwards, rebuilding the connection with ourselves. We work towards reconnecting the mind with the internal river that nourishes the entire body – our blood. We learn to ‘talk to our blood cells,’ conveying feelings of love, warmth, happiness, and freedom through the bloodstream to every cell in the body.

4. ORGAN SERVICE: Support Your Body’s Engine

Once the internal connection is established, we gain access to our internal organs, akin to the engine of the body. Similar to the regular servicing required for a car engine, our organs also need proper maintenance. Organ servicing can be likened to a self-visceral massage.

5. REPETITION: Reeducate Your Cells

Having a single conversation is not enough to build a strong relationship, and the same principle applies to our connection with ourselves. By consistently repeating the learned movement sequences, we gradually develop a deeper relationship with ourselves. This ongoing process of reeducation, cell by cell, helps cleanse us of negative past experiences, transforming our body into a warm, positive, and thriving environment.

6. FREEDOM: Find Home Within

A home symbolizes feelings of safety, warmth, freedom, and happiness. When the majority of cells in our body embody these qualities, we, as human beings, feel like we have found a home within. In this state, we are no longer burdened by past experiences. Regaining solid roots, we navigate life with a sense of internal safety and warmth that naturally radiates to those around us.

Making complicated things simple

Master Yang’s true skills are shown in his ability to share the complicated Nei Gong methods and practices in a simple and comprehensible way.

Moving like a fish in water

The art of calligraphy draws from nature, emphasizing the fluid, seamless, and unrestrained movement of the brush. This movement mirrors the graceful descent of water down a mountainside, naturally following the shortest and most direct path.

Master Yang applied this concept to the human body, where that water is human blood. Calligraphy Health is about moving like flowing water, effortlessly cascading down a mountain – fluid, uninterrupted, and instinctual, without force or pressure. This movement can be likened to that of fish swimming in water or the elegant motions of an octopus – imbued with a sense of joy, freedom and space.

“Calligraphy Health is about your blood flow moving your body, not your body
moving your blood.”
Master Zhen Hua Yang

Ancient wisdom for modern times

As a holistic system, Calligraphy Health has been built on the principles of Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, with these philosophical principles embedded in the movements.


Confucianism is based on the virtues of respect and trust. As students we learn to respect our teacher and the lineage, respect nature and everything around us.


Daoism looks out to nature, uniting heaven, human and earth as one while inspiring us to live in harmony with the rhythms of the universe. This way of living leads to inner peace.


Buddhism explores the nature of the universe through the actions and belief that comes from compassion to self and others. To find a truly happy, joyful life through doing good things.

Tian Ren He Yi

The concept of Tian Ren He Yi (the unity of heaven and human) originated in traditional philosophies of Daoism and Confucianism, is deeply embedded in Calligraphy Health practice. It embodies the idea that humans should strive to live in harmony with both the natural world and with one another, in order to achieve a state of balance and well-being. Calligraphy Health practice achieves this by creating harmony on a micro level, with one’s own body, that will naturally, without force, make one more aligned with nature and with others – with Heaven above and Earth below.