Our Blog

Release versus Relax

Release versus Relax

During training do we release or do we relax. Let’s first think about the primary object of training, and for Calligraphy Health that is enhancing blood circulation for health and well-being, good blood circulation being the key to having all the body’s organs...

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Compassion for Health

Compassion for Health

Embracing all you are, is about learning how to love yourself, have compassion for self and ultimately to look after your health. A friend of mine once said “Part of loving yourself is looking after your health“, Rodan, D Learning to love and have compassion for...

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Yinyang – Our Greatest Teacher

Yinyang – Our Greatest Teacher

Underlying the words “This is not the right time for that” or the lyrics from the song “Turn, turn, turn” - that there is a time to weep, a time to embrace, a time to gain etc - is Yinyang, the nature of change.  In nature, as the year rolls around change is...

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Transmission from a Master

Transmission from a Master

Transmission is the vibration you are passing on through the body  Master Zhen Hua Yang has founded his life’s work on the transmission of knowledge and information that has been handed down to him through the ancient lineage of his for-fathers, as well as 45...

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Breath, Spirit, Qi as one

Breath, Spirit, Qi as one

Controlling the breath and thus calming the nerves, is a prerequisite to controlling the mind and the body Our conscious mind and our breath are intrinsically connected. With our mind we have the ability to stop our breath, make it go faster or make it go slower. It...

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Circulation, Qi and Blood

Circulation, Qi and Blood

Circulation, Qi and Blood “Where Qi moves blood follows and when Qi stagnates blood congeals” The driver behind the seat of optimal health is circulation as evidenced in both Eastern and Western medical sciences. Good fresh and healthy blood circulation moving through...

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