Optimal Health

“Blood flow is the key to human health.”

Master Zhen Hua Yang

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Three pillars of health

Calligraphy Health combines movements with breath, attention and organ service, that together help regulate the three main, interconnected circulatory systems that are the basis of human health and wellbeing:

1. Blood circulation

involved in the processing and circulation of blood that transports nutrients, oxygen and information to body tissues.

2. Nervous system

involved in the processing and circulation of messages from the brain and our reactions to those messages.

3. Digestive system

involved in the processing and circulation of food to nourish and support the body and mind.

Optimal health components

Optimal health is when we live a long life, without illness and pain, and pass away naturally. It is when all aspects of the human body work together as one. To achieve optimal health we need to look after the four main components: internal organ function, mindset, diet and physical activity. 

40% Good organ function

The most important factor in our overall health is how well our internal organs function as they are like the engine of the body. With Calligraphy Health we learn how to lead body movements from the center of the body. These movements work to massage our organs. When combined with a natural breath and calm nervous system, they work as a natural internal organ (engine) servicing. 

20% Balanced mindset

Calligraphy Health works on multiple levels. Through breath work, continuous movements and enhanced blood circulation it calms the mind and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Over time it enhances positive feelings and thoughts, dissolving stored inner negativity and creating a more balanced mindset.

20% Nutrient-rich diet

Even the best foods will not make a difference if we’re not able to process them. A good diet is important but it only works well when combined with good internal organ function, as when our organs function well, the body can better absorb the nutrients from good-quality food.

20% Physical movement

The body works better when it moves regularly and doesn’t stagnate. Movement helps to increase blood flow and circulation and is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking for another form of moving the body, one of the best ways to complement your Calligraphy Health practice is by walking.

Pathway to longevity

Regular Calligraphy Health practice promotes the replacement of unhealthy cells with happier and healthier cells through enhancing blood circulation as well as the quality of our blood.

As we learn to build trust and reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level we experience a more peaceful and happy self. This supports the function of better quality cellular regeneration, accelerating the healing process of our internal organs and rebalancing of our body’s systems – crucial for longevity.

1. Movement & Breath

  • Cells carry more oxygen
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Internal movement of energy

1. Movement & Breath

  • Cells carry more oxygen
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Internal movement of energy

2. Stillness in the Mind

  • Quiet the mind through meditative movements
  • Connecting with the Dan Tian and your organs
  • Start releasing first layers of stress

2. Stillness in the Mind

  • Quiet the mind through meditative movements
  • Get in touch with the Dan Tian and your organs
  • Start releasing first layers of stress

3. Cell Connection

  • Vagus nerve stimulation
  • Build cellular connection
  • Start releasing deep layers of stress

3. Cell Connection

  • Vagus nerve stimulation
  • Build cellular connection
  • Start releasing deep layers of stress

4. Cellular Evolution & Longevity

  • Cellular evolution takes place - new
    healthier cells replace old cells
  • Control of your internal energy
  • Mental and physical healing process

4. Cellular Evolution & Longevity

  • Cellular evolution takes place - new
    healthier cells replace old cells
  • Control of your internal energy
  • Mental and physical healing process

Calligraphy Health takes your wellbeing to the next level. It is a deep practice that heals and simply makes you feel wonderful. I call it meditation in movement, bringing bliss to mind, body and soul.

Simone Dole, Australia

I was one of Master’s first students at his studio in Sydney. Sleep-deprived and totally lacking in energy after the birth of my second child, I found the practice soothing and deeply healing. It connected me back to my old self. My background in psychology has given me an understanding of how stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, low self-esteem all stem from a lack of connection to self. Thank you, Master Yang!

Van Truong, Australia

Calligraphy Health taught me to slow down, to connect with myself and to heal emotional trauma. The speed of my life changed and I have started to enjoy and find my passion for life. Thank you, Master Yang, for helping me to understand on a deep level respect, peace and harmony.

Martina Zatkova, Slovakia

When my Dad died I was overwhelmed by the emotional baggage that came up and found it hard to deal with. Calligraphy Health allowed me to be with difficult emotions, to experience them at my own pace. Regular practice allows me to achieve a sense of true happiness – one that does not come from emotions or external conditions, but from within us. I love this state of deep calmness, grounding and a sense of inner joy.

Mariola Madej, Poland

I have trained with Master yang for nearly 13yrs, his system is both life changing and enhancing. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to train with Master Yang and highly recommend his system to everyone. Thank you, Master Yang!

Simon Champan, New Zealand