Organ Service

“Fitness doesn’t equal health.
Health comes from organ service.”

Master Zhen Hua Yang

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Body’s engine

Just as the most beautiful car won’t do much if the engine has no power, the human body is similar. A good car engine, one that runs smoothly, is reliable and serves us for a long time, has regular servicing. This is the same with the human body. 

For the human body, the engine power is what’s inside the abdomen – our internal organs. However many of us are not aware that we need to, or that we are able to, service the organs/engine, to allow it to run smoothly and serve us for a long time. We’re often made to believe that our internal organ health is beyond our control. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Calligraphy Health practice is about learning the skill of servicing the organs and making it the basis of a healthy lifestyle, next to good diet, sleep, and positive attitude. Unlike cars, humans don’t have spare parts. To live a life of wellness this makes organ servicing that much more important. 

A special skill

Organ service is a special skill that was known to the ancient Chinese masters but has been unknown in the modern western world. 

This skill can be compared to a self visceral massage that over time releases the fascia surrounding the organs, it helps the organs lose accumulated fat, pumps the blood to the organs – which helps to nourish and bring oxygen to the tissues through better blood flow. 

Our second mind

Traditional Chinese Medicine and ancient Chinese internal self-healing practices recognise that inside of the abdomen we also have an energy center called Dantian which means a “mind”. Western medicine recognizes as well that we have our “second brain” in the belly and the importance of it.

By learning to service the organs we not only take care of the internal organ health, but we also expand and accumulate our internal energy.

Service your organs


so that they don’t get rusty


so that they remain robust

Maintain Mutual Balance

so that they don’t negatively affect each other

Moving from the center

Organ Service and building the connection between movements and the center is something students learn and develop through all in-person and online courses with Master Yang. This connection distinguishes movements full of life and energy from dry and physical ones. It also leads to self-healing. 

In this video you can see how Master Yang’s belly naturally moves – it is a visible part of organ service skill.