Level 1

Body-Mind-Organ Connection

Learn how to effortlessly bring body, mind and emotions into a relaxed state.

1 – 10 June 2022

Italy, Tuscany

2 020 AUD
(approx. 1 380 EUR)


  • Date: 1–10 June 2022
  • Venue: Thriving in Tuscany, Via delle Silerchie 76, Camaiore, Lucca, Italy
  • Training: 10 days of in-person training with Master Yang
  • Price: 2 020 AUD (approx. 1 380 EUR) (does not include accomodation, food or travel costs – find the prices below)

Level 1 is a foundation course where you learn how to move effortlessly into a relaxed state. As you start your journey into the inner world of self-healing, you’ll have your first experience of connecting your body and mind working in unison.

Limited spaces available.
For registration and further enquiries please contact Baba Ray at:


  • Begin your first level of self-healing
  • Learn the foundation of Calligraphy Health movements
  • Connect your breath with the form
  • Understand the Dan Tian energy point
  • Start to connect with your blood cells and link to your organs
  • Learn to stimulate the vagus nerve


  • Room: 25 EUR / per person in a twin room (UNAVAILABLE – the house is fully booked)
  • Tent or camper van space: 10 EUR / per space (tents and vans provided by the guests)
IMPORTANT: The house is fully booked. Contact us for suggestions for additional Airbnb places to rent in the neighbourhood but, please bare in mind that rooms and houses are frequently used in the area and they are rented out very quickly. It’s important to book your accommodation in advance.
There is always a possibility to come with a tent, camper van or caravan to Thriving in Tuscany. Please contact us if you need help with finding a place to stay.


Please contact Baba Ray at: chi@rayqigong.com regarding accommodation.


  • 30 EUR per person daily:
    three meals a day – delicious and healing – based on the Five Elements diet of traditional Chinese medicine

Please contact Baba Ray at: chi@rayqigong.com to book your meals.


  • Attendees to each course receive further information not by mass mail messages but tailor made emails individually.
  • Please note payment online is securing your place to the course(s). Payment does not include travel, accommodation and meals.
  • When completed your purchase online for the course kindly send an email to chi@rayqigong.com to receive information about details for accommodation and meals.
  • Travelling to and from to venue is by individually.
  • We will give all necessary information and help to make your stay safe at the upcoming courses in Tuscany joyful, peaceful and relaxing.
  • Please do not hesitate contacting Baba Ray at chi@rayqigong.com with any further questions and inquiry.
  • Looking forward to welcoming you soon in Tuscany.

Receive a BONUS discount of 410 AUD (approx. 280 EUR) by booking two courses back-to-back: Level 1 + Heaven in Love in Italy.