Part 2

Spiral Body-Spiral Organ

From the inside-out use the spiral movement to dive deeper into practice.

19 – 28 May 2023

Gdansk, Poland


Level 2 takes you deeper into the practice. Here, you’ll learn about the connection between the Dan Tian and the spiralling, 4D movements of Calligraphy Health. This level includes yoga asanas, challenging you to go beyond the physical and learning to move from the inside out.


    • Learn the importance of spiralling and connecting with your Dan Tian
    • Connect all sides of the body for the free flow of Qi energy
    • Link to your fascia, an important body tissue that connects every organ, blood vessel, bone and muscle
    • Clear stagnant energy by moving Qi around the body
    • Sculpt your body through yoga and Yang Mian movements, increasing your strength and flexibility.
    • Calm your mind for sustained happiness and tranquillity


    • Suitable for anyone 
    • Suitable for both beginners and experienced Calligraphy Health practitioners

    Course Schedule

    The course includes 54 hours of in-person training with Master Zhen Hua Yang

    • Day 1: training session at 3:00–6:00 pm (3 hours)
    • Day 2–9: three training sessions at 9:30–11:30 am, 12:00–2:00 pm, 3:30–5:30 pm (a total of 6 hours a day)
    • Day 10: training session at 9:30 am – 12:30 pm (3 hours)

    Meals & Accomodation

    Meals and accommodation are not included in the course price. Please note that to participate in the course, you need to purchase the Calligraphy Health course and book meals & accommodation at Dwór Uphagena by paying the money directly to the hotel. Details below.

    Important: It is not possible to purchase only the course without meals & accommodation at Dwór Uphagena.

    • Place in a double room, 9 nights, 3 meals a day: 3420 PLN
    • Place in a single room, 9 nights, 3 meals a day: 4275 PLN

    Please make reservations at the hotel via email: with the subject of the email: Calligraphy Health.


    • Transportation: To and from the venue
    • Insurance: Personal travel & health insurance


    • regarding meals & accommodation: Dwór Uphagena, email:
    • regarding organization of the course: Projekt Egoistka, email:
    • regarding website orders and course payments: Calligraphy Health, email:

    Join the course

    • Date: 19 – 28 May 2023
    • Venue: Dwór Uphagena, Gdansk, Poland
    • Course price*: 1880.00 AUD (approx. 1200 EUR)

    * Course price doesn’t include meals & accommodation, please book directly with the venue.

    * It is not possible to purchase only the course without meals & accommodation at Dwór Uphagena.