The Highest Quality Life

The Highest Quality Life

The highest quality life can be described as one without illness, without pain and passing away naturally. No one wants to suffer or die early. So how do we achieve this level of living? This kind of life cannot be possible without the maintenance and servicing of the...
The Art of Wellbeing

The Art of Wellbeing

Everything in life is interconnected. When we work internally on our wellbeing it shows up in all other areas of our life. Internal wellbeing shows up externally as life starts to flow in a much easier way, creating a happy, well-balanced life. A Wellbeing Model...
Happiness is Trust

Happiness is Trust

Health of the human body goes beyond the boundaries of conventional Newtonian science that, when it comes to health and well-being, divides the body into non-related organs and systems. Current literature has been breaking through these old paradigms, recognising...
Release versus Relax

Release versus Relax

During training do we release or do we relax. Let’s first think about the primary object of training, and for Calligraphy Health that is enhancing blood circulation for health and well-being, good blood circulation being the key to having all the body’s organs...
Compassion for Health

Compassion for Health

Embracing all you are, is about learning how to love yourself, have compassion for self and ultimately to look after your health. A friend of mine once said “Part of loving yourself is looking after your health“, Rodan, D Learning to love and have compassion for...